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From Group-Office Groupware and CRM Documentation
Revision as of 13:55, 29 March 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (Manual upgrade)

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Backup your data first!

Using the Debian/Ubuntu packages

If you are using the professional version or billing module make sure you download the new 3.6 license files first from and put them in /usr/share/groupoffice.

Then change /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb threesix main


deb threeseven main

Then run a full system update:

apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

Manual upgrade

If you are using the professional version download the license file and tarbal packages from If you use the Community version download the packages from

Take the following steps:

  1. Backup your database
  2. Move away your old source files.
  3. Put the new files at the right location.
  4. If exists copy your old config.php to the new files.
  5. Launch Group-Office in your browser and it will perform a system upgrade.

From the Community to Professional version

If you are using the professional version or billing module make sure you download the license files first from and put them in /usr/share/groupoffice. Then run:

apt-get install groupoffice-pro

If you are using the tar packages download the package from the shop and replace the files.

After this you can login to Group-Office and install the professional modules at Start menu -> Modules.