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Revision as of 17:06, 16 April 2013 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (Using the Debian/Ubuntu packages)

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Backup your data first! Follow the instructions here: Moving or backup an installation

Using the Debian/Ubuntu packages

If you are using the professional version or billing module make sure you download the new 4.1 license files first from and put them in /usr/share/groupoffice.

Then change /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb someversion main


deb fourone main

Then update the package info:

apt-get update

After changing to repository and updating the package list you still have to upgrade your machine, The following command will updgrade all packages you have installated that have new versions available including groupoffice

apt-get upgrade

If you do not want to install all updates available for your machine you can only upgrade the groupoffice packages as well, this is not advised and you also need to know what packages there are installed on your systeem. The following command will install the main groupoffice installation.

apt-get install groupoffice-com

When you are also using other groupoffice packages or the groupoffice-pro package you will have to upgrade these as well.

If you run into an error after upgrading please try to Rebuild the search cache and run the database check at Start menu -> System tools

Upgrading from 3.x to 4.x

To upgrade to 4.x. Your Group-Office version must be at least 3.7.41. If you have an older version, upgrade to the latest 3.7 version first.

Redundant and dropped modules

  1. mailings: can be removed from disk and uninstalled in Group-Office. This functionality is in the addressbook module now.
  2. blacklist: Has not been implemented yet.
  3. emailportlet: Standard functionality of the e-mail module now.
  4. cms: Dropped.

The following modules will be available for download but are no longer officially supported by Intermesh because they rely on 3rd party code:

  1. PhpBB3
  2. Mediawiki
  3. DokuWiki


For some reason, TLS encryption has changed in the Swift Mailer component. If you get timeouts on the SMTP connection, try to switch TLS to SSL. If this works and you want to change all accounts you can run the following SQL:

UPDATE em_accounts SET smtp_encryption='ssl' WHERE smtp_encryption='tls' AND smtp_host='yourserver';

Ubuntu 12.04

Ubuntu 12.04 comes with dovecot 2.0. The dovecot configuration has changed a lot. The easiest solution is to completely remove dovecot with it's configuration files:

sudo apt-get purge dovecot-core

This will remove groupoffice-mailserver and some other related packages too. Reinstall them afterwards:

sudo apt-get install groupoffice-mailserver dovecot-mysql dovecot-sieve dovecot-managesieved


If you use syncml for funambol or synthesis clients. You must install the SyncML module after upgrading. Additionally you must change the sync URL and datastores. For more info see Synchronization client or device setup.

You must do a full restore of the items from Group-Office to outlook. Otherwise you will get duplicates.


If z-push is installed you'll need to upgrade it manually as described at the ActiveSync page.


In 3.7 the billing module was in the pro package. We have a separate billing package now so if you use that you must run "apt-get install groupoffice-billing" too.

LDAP Authentication

If you use LDAP auth. You must change the following in your mapping:


new ldap_mapping_type('function','some_function')


new GO_Ldapauth_Mapping_Function('some_function')

Also be aware that the parameter is no array but a GO_Base_Ldap_Record object.


new ldap_mapping_type('constant','1')


new GO_Ldapauth_Mapping_Constant('1')

IMAP Authentication

We have removed some parameters from the imapauth.config.php file.

The following parameters are removed (They are not used by Group-Office anymore):

'visible_groups' => array('Everyone', 'Internal'),
'modules_read' => array('email', 'files', 'addressbook', 'calendar', 'tasks', 'notes', 'summary'),
'modules_write' => array()

To give a new imapauth user the correct rights you need to add them to a group and set the correct rights on that group.

So you first need to create a group and set up the correct rights for it. (For example, create the group "imapauthuser").

Then you need to set the following parameter in the imapauth.config.php file:

'groups' => array('imapauthuser')

Ticket permissions

Ticket permissions have been changed. In 3.7 you were a ticket admin if you had manage permissions for the tickets module. On the upgrade the manage permissions will be downgraded. Because now you can be an administrator per ticket type. You need manage permissions on the types to be an agent. You can change those permissions at Administration -> Types -> Double click type -> Permissions

Manual upgrade

If you are using the professional version download the license file and tarbal packages from If you use the Community version download the packages from

Take the following steps:

  1. Backup your database
  2. Move away your old source files.
  3. Put the new files at the right location. (including any extra modules like Billing)
  4. If exists copy your old config.php to the new files.
  5. Launch Group-Office in your browser and it will perform a system upgrade.
  6. If z-push is installed you'll need to upgrade it manually as described at the ActiveSync page.

Downloading packages from the shop on the command line

You may want to automate stuff. You can download the tar archives from the shop using a Group-Office CLI command:

php groupofficecli.php -r=maintenance/downloadFromShop --shopuser=[USERNAME] --shoppass=[PASSWORD] --packages=groupoffice-pro-4.0,billing-4.0,documents-4.0 --unpack=1

Or to replace an installation:

php groupofficecli.php -r=maintenance/downloadFromShop --shopuser=[USERNAME] --shoppass=[PASSWORD] --packages=groupoffice-pro-4.0,billing-4.0,documents-4.0 --replacefolder=/path/to/groupoffice

This will save all packages in the current working directory.

From the Community to Professional version

If you are using the professional version or billing module make sure you download the license files first from and put them in /usr/share/groupoffice. Then run:

apt-get install groupoffice-pro

If you are using the tar packages download the package from the shop and replace the files.

After this you can login to Group-Office and install the professional modules at Start menu -> Modules.